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PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports.  There are three main components of PBIS.  They are:  Teaching appropriate behavior, providing interventions when behavior expectations are not met, and recognizing students when behavior expectations are met.


PBIS is a team-based school-wide system for behavioral development which includes all students and all staff in all settings.  It is a system that can be upgraded as we go along to better meet the needs of the student population.


With PBIS, instructional time is more effectively used for teaching because the overall school environment is calm and conducive to learning.




The Behavior Matrix is a detailed description of expected behavior in each setting of the school.  See our matrix below.





Throughout the school year, students will be taught how to behave according to the four expectations - SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, and PROBLEM SOLVER.  Teachers will help students learn what the expectations look like and sound like. These lessons are re-taught and reinforced throughout the school year and beome a regular part of our instructional program.


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